MEYTEC delivers new telemedicine platform TELECLINIC to Russia

In January 2015 MEYTEC delivered a new telemedicine platform TELECLINIC to Russia. It was deployed after its official opening on the 22th January 2015 in the district hospital in Irkutsk. In addition to the collaboration with the physicians from Europa and Asia the project partner plans a close cooperation with their colleges in Russia. A commissioned physician located outside of Russia can examine the digitalized medical data of the patient in Russia Thus allowing the commissioned physician to coordinate the possible therapy steps with their Russian colleagues. To perform this task MEYTEC provided the hospital with a special web-based telemedicine platform. The main goal is to avoid unnecessary patient tourism. The telemedicine platform TELECLINIC can be adopted for different medical indications. The first concrete cases were in the field of oncology between specialists from Irkutsk (Russia) and Germany. Meanwhile, patients in Russia with individual clinical symptoms can be examined virtually by German specialists to decide if treatment is required in Germany.
More information:
Video report by Irkutsk News on YouTube

vimed teleclinic Irkutsk
vimed teleclinic Irkutsk