02 February 2021: the results of the B_PROUD study were published in the scientific journal JAMA* and presented at a press conference situated in Charité. The Berlin team led by Prof. Dr. med. Heinrich Audebert (Deputy Clinical Director of Neurology at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin) has already presented the results of the clinical study B_PROUD (the Berlin – Pre-hospital Or Usual care Delivery) at the annual International Stroke Conference from 19th to 21th of February 2020 in Los Angeles (USA, California). According to the results, early pre-hospital diagnosis and intervention utilizing MSUs/STEMOs, which are specially equipped with both trained medical staff and necessary diagnostic capabilities, leads to the 26% fewer deaths and disability rates in the acute stroke patients than among patients whose treatment only begins in a hospital. This is all the more remarkable because in Berlin alone, stroke care can certainly be considered very well developed compared to other regions, with 83 hospitals (figures 2017, Berlin-Brandenburg hospital plan 2020) and 16 regional and supra-regional stroke units (figures 2016, Berlin hospital plan 2016). In summary, the affected stroke patients located in the metropolitan areas and especially in rural areas would benefit from this concept in the future.
The prehospital stroke care concept Stroke-Einsatz-Mobil (STEMO) was developed by the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Berlin Fire Brigade together with MEYTEC. The technical support and supervision in the box body including CT scanner, laboratory equipment and extensive telemedical equipment as well as the necessary server infrastructure is provided by MEYTEC GmbH.
*Ebinger M et al., Association Between Dispatch of Mobile Stroke Units and Functional Outcomes Among Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke in Berlin. JAMA 2021;325(5):454-466. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.26345
- Literature:
- Audebert H.: Effects of Pre-hospital Acute Stroke Treatment as Measured with the Modified Rankin Scale; the Berlin – Pre-hospital Or Usual care Delivery (B_PROUD) trial, presented on February 20, 2020 at the International Stroke Conference (ISC) 2020, February 19-21, 2020, Los Angeles
- More information:
- Charité press releases Schlaganfall: Bessere Prognose bei Einsatz von Stroke-Einsatz-Mobilen,
Stimmen zum STEMO: Pressekonferenz zu 10 Jahren Stroke-Einsatz-Mobil - DSG press release Neue Studie: Mobile Stroke Units verbessern Chancen von Schlaganfallpatienten gravierend
- Post on rettungsdienst.de Studie: Mobile Stroke Units verbessern Chancen bei Schlaganfall
- www.stemo-info.de