MEYTEC presented, along with the medical director and the head of physicians in the hospital for neurology in the hospital Nordwest in Frankfurt am Main, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Meyding-Lamadé the telemedicine bridge KHNW – Brunei an the 1st eHealth congress “Networked health in Rhein-Main and Hessen” in Darmstadt (17th October, 2014). The telemedical collaboration between the Sultanate of Brunei and Germany is based on bilateral agreements and it is an example of the export initiative of the Nordwest hospital and MEYTEC. Utilising two-way exchanges of medical personnel from KHNW and the Brunei Neuroscience Stroke and Rehabilitation Center (Jerudong ) daily teleconsultations take place to support diagnostics between Frankfurt and Brunei. In 2015 there is planned the first German-Bruneian research projects.