The Stroke-Emergency-Mobile (STEMO) was presented as a highlight at the
Capital City Congress for Medicine and Health in Berlin 2015 from the
10th -12th July. Every visitor had the possibility to question the
representatives from University Medicine Charité Berlin, Berlin Fire
Department and MEYTEC.
The special emergency unit was back in action weeks after a crash on
the city high way had kept it off the road for repairs.. Although the
driver’s cab was damaged beyond repair, needing to be replaced, none of
the crew was seriously injured. All of the medical and telemedical
equipment housed in the main cabin unit survived the accident’s
effects. The special CT-fixing developed by MEYTEC nullified the crash
impact safely securing the heavy and very sensitive medical device.
Gerhard W. Meyer, founder of MEYTEC said: “The crash shows the value
and necessity of the patent protected MEYTEC-CT-fixing unit. This is
just reward for our investment in research and product development”.
Among the interested visitors on the STEMO-stand was Federal Minister
of Health, Mr. Hermann Gröhe, Senator of Health Affairs of Berlin,
Mario Czaja and the director of the accident hospital Berlin (UKB)
Prof. Axel Ekkernkamp.

Stroke-Emergency-Mobile (STEMO) at the Capital City Congress for Medicine and Health
Photo: WISO/Schmidt-Dominé