For the second time now, the Hessian Initiative “Gesundheitswirtschaft Rhein-Main e.V.” has organized the eHealth-Congress on 09 October 2015 in Darmstadt. The congress constitutes a platform for the communication of the numerous physicians, hospitals, cost units and politicians, as well…
The Scientific Center for Neurology celebrated the 70th anniversary with the third National Congress “Emergency Cases in Neurology“ in Moscow on 03-04.12.2015. With more than 700 guests from all parts of Russia and from foreign countries discussions took place, in…
From 05th to 6th November 2015 the 6th National Congress Telemedicine took place in Berlin. The current evaluation results shows, that the congress was very successful. MEYTEC supported this year’s congress as Premium Sponsor and exhibitor. Besides the MEYTEC stand…
In May 2015 MEYTEC Informationssysteme and Medfield Diagnostics AB agreed in Gothenburg a close and long-term cooperation on the development, production and marketing of the completely new medical device named “Strokefinder”. The system is based on microwave technology enabling clinicians…
The Stroke-Emergency-Mobile (STEMO) was presented as a highlight at the Capital City Congress for Medicine and Health in Berlin 2015 from the 10th -12th July. Every visitor had the possibility to question the representatives from University Medicine Charité Berlin, Berlin…
In the press release from January 2015 the state minister of Bavaria Melanie Huml announced, that the comprehensive supply of stroke should be achieved with the start of the new telemedicine network named TRANSIT Stroke in the Bavarian region Niederfranken….
In January 2015 MEYTEC delivered a new telemedicine platform TELECLINIC to Russia. It was deployed after its official opening on the 22th January 2015 in the district hospital in Irkutsk. In addition to the collaboration with the physicians from Europa…
MEYTEC exhibited at the annual Italian Stroke Organization (ISO) in Florence from 18th – 20th February 2015. MEYTEC’s Dr. Michael Böttcher head of MEYTEC’s medicine technology department, reported the results of the latest PHANTOM-S trial with Stroke-Emergency-Mobile (STEMO). Furthermore, there…
On the 4th of May 2015 the 2000th teleconsultation was performed in the Bavarian stroke network NEVAS, part of the regions comprehensive, high-quality stroke solution. The telemedicine network NEVAS is equipped with VIMED® DOC-BASIC HD and mobile workstation VIMED® MOBILE…
The annual ZNA-symposium “a kettle of colours…“ (*by analogy with the former DDR TV-show) took place on the 15th March 2015 in the hospital of Frankfurt (Oder). Together with the rescue service team Frankfurt (Oder) and the head physician Dr….
MEYTEC GmbH Informationssysteme, the University of Potsdam and the IHP GmbH Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics / Leibnitz- Institute for innovative Microelectronic from Frankfurt (Oder) agreed a long-term collaboration in F&E. MEYTEC company supports an important part of the new…
As a part of the national competition procedures, provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) the research consortium from Berlin and Brandenburg received an award for the project named BeMobil. In the field ‘man-machine interaction’ there should…
Norwegian Air Ambulance deployed the first „Stroke Ambulance“ equipped with the MEYTEC technologies in Fredrikstad, Norway in October 2014. On board of the emergency vehicle are a CT-scanner as well as laboratory equipment. The ambulance and hospitals in Friedrikstad are…
In the recent months MEYTEC received new orders for conception, realization and extension of the established telemedicine networks. The new telemedicine stroke network from the region Bavaria was equipped with MEYTEC technologies is “Neurovaskuläres Versorgungsnetzwerk Südwestbayern (NEVAS)”. In the peripheral…
A new stationary telemedicine system VIMED® DOC 3 will be available at the beginning of 2015. The important part is the newly created PC-System VIMED® MPC, which is designed for continuous operation, demonstrating a high level of stability and reliability. A special…