The Stroke-Emergency-Mobile (STEMO) was presented as a highlight at the Capital City Congress for Medicine and Health in Berlin 2015 from the 10th -12th July. Every visitor had the possibility to question the representatives from University Medicine Charité Berlin, Berlin…
Telemedicine and Medical Technology
In the press release from January 2015 the state minister of Bavaria Melanie Huml announced, that the comprehensive supply of stroke should be achieved with the start of the new telemedicine network named TRANSIT Stroke in the Bavarian region Niederfranken….
In January 2015 MEYTEC delivered a new telemedicine platform TELECLINIC to Russia. It was deployed after its official opening on the 22th January 2015 in the district hospital in Irkutsk. In addition to the collaboration with the physicians from Europa…
MEYTEC exhibited at the annual Italian Stroke Organization (ISO) in Florence from 18th – 20th February 2015. MEYTEC’s Dr. Michael Böttcher head of MEYTEC’s medicine technology department, reported the results of the latest PHANTOM-S trial with Stroke-Emergency-Mobile (STEMO). Furthermore, there…
On the 4th of May 2015 the 2000th teleconsultation was performed in the Bavarian stroke network NEVAS, part of the regions comprehensive, high-quality stroke solution. The telemedicine network NEVAS is equipped with VIMED® DOC-BASIC HD and mobile workstation VIMED® MOBILE…
Norwegian Air Ambulance deployed the first „Stroke Ambulance“ equipped with the MEYTEC technologies in Fredrikstad, Norway in October 2014. On board of the emergency vehicle are a CT-scanner as well as laboratory equipment. The ambulance and hospitals in Friedrikstad are…
In the recent months MEYTEC received new orders for conception, realization and extension of the established telemedicine networks. The new telemedicine stroke network from the region Bavaria was equipped with MEYTEC technologies is “Neurovaskuläres Versorgungsnetzwerk Südwestbayern (NEVAS)”. In the peripheral…
A new stationary telemedicine system VIMED® DOC 3 will be available at the beginning of 2015. The important part is the newly created PC-System VIMED® MPC, which is designed for continuous operation, demonstrating a high level of stability and reliability. A special…
The telemedicine stroke-network “Schlaganfall-Ostsachsen-Netzwerk (SOS-NET)” connects the “Dresdner Universitäts-Schlaganfall-Centrum (DUSC)“ with 18 regional partner-hospitals in Saxony to secure a complete and high-quality care of stroke patients in the region East-Saxony. All hospitals participating in the telemedicine network SOS-NET can fall…
MEYTEC presented, along with the medical director and the head of physicians in the hospital for neurology in the hospital Nordwest in Frankfurt am Main, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Meyding-Lamadé the telemedicine bridge KHNW – Brunei an the 1st eHealth congress…
STEMO in Apotheken Umschau from the 15Th January 2014 On the 15Th January 2014 the “Apotheken Umschau” published an interesting article from Dr. Reinhard Door about “Research & Knowledge“ under the title “More effective stroke treatment“. He discussed two current…
On the 26th March of 2014 in Potsdam marked the reporting of the results of the research project “Tele-Diagnostik”. The executive director of MEYTEC GmbH informationssysteme, Gerhard W. Meyer, presented the results from MEYTEC. Amongst the highlights was the development…
From the 12th to the 14th February of 2014 MEYTEC GmbH Medizinsysteme exhibited at the International Stroke Conference in San Diego (California/USA). The company presented its flagship Stroke Emergency Mobile Unit (STEMO) as well as other telemedical solutions from the…
In December 2013, the “Journal of Visualized Experiments” (JoVE ),published a video report about the latest results of the PHANTOM-S study. The report outlines the clear advantages of the new pre-hospital supply concept for the near-patient acute stroke care by…
After two years of development and evaluation provided by MEYTEC in collaboration with the team of the teleneurological network TEMPiS, the version 1.0 of the new software for teleneurological documentation VIMED® TENEDOC is now available. In addition to the safe…